LABCORP BTP: Make managing your BTP analysis laboratory easier and simplify your certification preparation.
Our application has been created in close partnership with BTP analysis laboratories, addressing their sector-specific requirements.
We’ve carefully considered input from industry engineers to design an intuitive, user-friendly, and fully customizable application.
This application caters to three user profiles (Administration, Field Technician, and Analysis Engineer), accessible on both PC and portable devices.

Data security is our top priority. We have implemented state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard your data against intrusion or loss. We are confident that our web and mobile back-office management application will be an essential tool for your BTP analysis laboratory.
Contact us now to learn more and start benefiting from its advantages.
Do you encounter any of the following issues?
Let’s grab a coffee together and discuss your project.
LABCORP BTP simplifies your internal process management and facilitates certification acquisition.
BTP analysis laboratories are required to adhere to calculation standards mandated by law to meet regulatory requirements. LABCORP BTP is now compliant with these standards and offers simplified calculation services.
BTP analysis laboratories must continuously comply with strict standards and regulations regarding construction material analysis. Our application features an easily editable reference database that enables tracking of current standards and regulations, ensuring accurate analysis results that are compliant with standards.
Laboratories may receive a large number of orders and samples to process each day, which can be challenging to manage without an efficient management system. Our application makes it easy to track orders, samples, and their progress status, facilitating smoother and more efficient analysis process management.
BTP analysis laboratories may have multiple departments involved in the analysis process, such as sample reception, sample preparation, analysis, and report writing. Our application enables coordination among these various departments and facilitates communication between them, which can improve the quality and speed of analyses.
BTP analysis laboratories handle sensitive and confidential data. Our application utilizes state-of-the-art security protocols to safeguard data against any risk of loss or theft, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.
LABCORP BTP: The only solution for managing BTP laboratory tests compliant with regulatory requirements.
Our web and mobile management application offers a comprehensive and efficient solution for BTP analysis laboratories aiming to adhere to imposed standards, streamline their analysis processes, and enhance service quality. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information about our application.
Enhance the management of your civil engineering analysis laboratory with our LABCORP back-office application.
Our back-office management application for civil engineering analysis laboratories is designed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve productivity. It automates sample, order, analysis result, invoice, and inventory management which significantly simplifies compliance procedures .
Additionally to its user friendly properties, it facilitates seamless communication among teams and offers real-time monitoring of analysis outcomes. Engineered to meet normative and regulatory standards.
- Project Tracking
- Administrative Management
- Test Sheet Module (Concrete, Compaction, and Identification)
- Reporting & Synthesis
- Invoicing and Collection

LABCORP BTP: The only comprehensive and regulatory-compliant management solution for BTP analysis laboratories:
- AG Sol: Dry sieving method after washing.
- IP: Determination of liquid limit and plasticity index.
- PROCTOR: Determination of compaction references for a material.
- VBS: Determination of methylene blue value of soil or rock material by spot test.
- ES - Sand Equivalent: Evaluation of fines.
List of Moroccan Standards licensed by IMANOR integrated into LABCORP BTP:
Compliance with the normative and regulatory requirements of the Moroccan standard for all tests.
Automated management of samples, orders, analysis results, invoices, and inventory.
Easy collection management with an intuitive interface.
User-friendly interface for enhancing laboratory efficiency and productivity.
Efficient management of costs and deadlines.
Security system to protect sensitive data.
Intuitive and customizable user interface.
Improved communication between teams and real-time tracking of analysis results.
Tracking and reporting of activities.
Online accessibility for easy remote access.