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Optimize your productivity through simplified maintenance:
Discover SMOOTHFIX CMMS, our innovative solution for adaptable success!

Introducing an all-in-one tool that boosts productivity and efficiency; and most importantly; is user-friendly.

 Do you have machines and are looking for an effective maintenance management solution for your business? 

 With SMOOTHFIX, you benefit from a reliable and efficient CMMS maintenance solution, which reduces your production downtime, increases the availability of your equipment and improves your customer satisfaction.  We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and find the best solutions for your business

Développement Spécifique

Don't settle for anything less than the best. Get in touch for a superior CMMS experience.

Experience the peak of CMMS with our unrivaled technical expertise and meticulous commitment to excellence. Contact us for unmatched efficiency in maintenance management.

Don't let your maintenance slow you down!

Finally an all-in-one tool to increase productivity and efficiency and; above all; easy to use.

Développement Spécifique

Enhancing your maintenance processes:

With the SMOOTHFIX software, you can now efficiently plan, monitor, and oversee your maintenance operations, enabling you to minimize downtime, enhance equipment availability, and extend equipment lifespan.

Développement Spécifique

Enhanced Communication

Streamline communication and collaboration among your company’s maintenance teams and departments, fostering better mutual comprehension and optimizing business outcomes.

Développement Spécifique

Performance Enhancement

Monitor your equipment and maintenance key performance indicators (KPIs), empowering you to make informed decisions aimed at enhancing operational efficiency.

Développement Spécifique

Stock Management Optimization

Effectively manage your spare parts inventory by monitoring stock levels and planning supplier orders, ensuring efficient stock control.

Développement Spécifique

Cost Control

Smoothfix software enables you to track and analyze maintenance costs for your equipment, aiding you in controlling your budget and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Développement Spécifique

Traceability and Reporting

You will have a log journal detailing all actions executed on your system, along with a list of available reports and KPIs at your disposal.


A Solution Tailored to Your Industry:

  • Production Machinery (production lines, machine tools, etc.)

  • Handling Equipment (forklifts, overhead cranes, etc.)

  •  Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems

  • Electrical and Electronic Installations (transformers, inverters, generators, etc.)

  • Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

  •  Elevators and Escalators

  •  Security Equipment (fire detectors, surveillance systems, etc.)

A Dedicated and Expert Team

  1. Tailoring solutions to meet individual client requirements.
  2. Quick implementation and comprehensive training to ensure seamless software adoption.
  3. Accessible technical support to promptly address any issues.
  4. Advanced reporting and analytical tools for making well-informed maintenance decisions.
  5. Online accessibility, allowing you to access information from anywhere.

A quick software installation and user-friendly interface accessible to all!

Our team of developers has designed software that is easy to use, intuitive, 100% online, and installation is within reach even for beginners. Our support team accompanies you throughout the installation process to guide you effectively.


SMOOTHFIX CMMS Deployment Process

Creating the user base with their access rights

Managing the product base, Brand / Model / Version and tools with two methods available:

    1- Excel file import

     2- Manual creation

Creating an FQDN address, securing data transfer


Customizing the intervention form using a Word document


Running end-to-end test sets on the production environment. Once validated, cleaning up the database


Deploying the project under a client FQDN address, then launching the project


SMOOTHFIX is a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software that enables your maintenance team to easily and quickly improve the management of their activities and foster collaborative work. It automates maintenance processes, enhances communication between teams, and simplifies task planning and tracking. With SMOOTHFIX, you can efficiently manage equipment, spare parts inventory, and interventions, as well as monitor the performance of your maintenance team and service providers.

Our application facilitates better cost management, improves service quality, and increases equipment availability.

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